Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tuesday Bluesday

Yesterday was definitely MONDAY. So much a Monday that I couldn’t even bring myself to the computer. Usually I get a little mopey on Sunday nights because the whole weekend is over and it’s time to hunker down. I also get mopey after being part of a wedding. When you’re part of a wedding, you get to attend the rehearsal dinner, be part of final preparations, get ready for the wedding, stand up in the ceremony, have fun at the dinner, and go crazy after dinner. Then you spend even more time with everyone when you go to the gift opening the next day. After that, the couple flies off to their honeymoon, the out-of-towners head home, and you’re left feeling mopey and you miss the big group you’ve been a part of for the last three days in a row. So that is where I am right now.

Plus it seems that everywhere I turn, I hear of a relationship crumbling. So that has added to the feeling of absolute ick.

But some things keep me afloat:
1.     Mason Jennings. Sunday night I attended his in-store performance at Electric Fetus in Minneapolis. While I was not that close to the stage, it made it so I was first in line for the meet and greet. I had a little conversation with him, shook his hand, got an autograph and photo, not to mention his new album Minnesota that dropped today. He is amazing.
2.     Book club. I really missed the mark on this one. I forgot I had a book club book to read this month (maybe I’ll attribute it to the fact I was busy with wedding stuff). Yet, it was still nice to spend time with friends after a long day at work.
3.     Healing. Sunday marked the tenth anniversary of the September 11th tragedy. It’s hard to watch all of the footage again and to hear stories of loss, but it’s uplifting (and heartbreaking) to hear the stories of healing and moving forward. What gives me hope is when people come together and are there for each other. I can’t imagine what it would be like to know or be someone so directly affected by it all; I feel lucky to have been where I was and to be a part of this country. I really do love the US.

So even though I’m still moping around I know it’s not not what I should be doing, these things give my mood a little boost.

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